Yes, i came to that conclusion after much thought.. you only live once, make the most of it,really.
Not to pass on reckless notions but enjoy what you have, the present.
Aint nothing better than enjoying damn good pizza ladden with cheese and carbs..heck buy new jeans the next day.
Am somewhat petite, and for the longest time ive been fixed on some pair of jeans that used to fit just right but i lost weight for some reason and they dont fit anymore..i could swear i ate pounds of beef and the like and realised, my body functions in its on way.
I eat healthy most of the time, my sister wouldnt say so but i think i do. :-)
Lets not miss the point here, am writing this to remind not only myself but others like me who are on course to accept what is with their body image.
Imperfections are inevitable but beautiful and create a work of art so unique.
Confidence starts from the inside and flows outwards, to how you walk, talk and behave. Wrapping a package.
As a young woman, and i use this reference despite it all, Britney Spears' song resonates and describes it all. "Am not a girl, not yet a woman".
Give it a listen. Most of the things won't play out as you planned. Enjoy the surprises and flactuations in life..its a roller coaster ride..always will be. Let go of those fears.. your opinion of you matters the most.
Be you, weird, quirky, shy, petite,plus-size. Do what you love, and love you.
As women from time to time we all need that re-assurance.. well, you are beautiful, now go change the world!!
Over and out..
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