Remember a time when christmas meant shopping for new clothes, preparing meals like chapati, and going back to the country to visit the grandparents?
I always looked forward to such, the road trips were my favourite, Although being the last born of three, i'd have to settle for the middle seat and suffer through break-necking angles trying to view the scenery. The snacks made the journey more bearable.
Imagine sitting through an eight hour drive, with only one stop over. Yes as i look back now my parents were determined, the noise we made and of course being couped up like that the fights were plenty. I remember each of the trips, the memories is what keeps me looking forward each year even though each of us has gone seperate ways.
The carols we sang on the road trips remain in my heart, maybe because i remember my dad humming while we sang over the radio, each of us off key or off tune. The joy my parents and siblings placed each year made us bond and i love each of them to bits. Try it, theres something about being able to sing off key and enjoy with people who will even sing worse but the simplicity in being open and comfortable to that point.
One of the things making this seem like my first christmas all over again is the fact that all my siblings moved out. So its like a home coming in too many ways. Hence my excitement for the holidays.
Yes, the goat meat, is a must ceremony in most cultures here, without roast meat, its just not the same. We usually start the marinating a day before. And in our house its the mens' job. They did get everything messy but then i remember because it was tradition and one that i looked forward to as well, the different roles we each played and still do to make it count.
This one holds a special place in my heart, to memories that made me who i am and moulded me to the person i am. I miss them dearly but this time we create new ones, with a growing family and new beginnings. Lets make the best out of this one. To 2015, cheers.
Happy holidays,
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