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Showing posts from 2022

Her Burden

Its started again, she whispers. The constant reminder that all was not well, he is at it again. You see she knew of the past lovers knew how his demeanor changed when he'd met an attractive loose girl..she used the term loose there was never a time she denied him..unless she was unclean. He had his way any day..yet he still strayed, despite her beauty, her intellect, her poise..he still strayed. He was the problem., she said in a sigh. After much scrutiny on her side,he was the issue. She always supported,cared offered all a girl should. What was the one thing she kept close..caution maybe She was not one to throw it in the wind but when they met..she did, even as she fell in-love with him..she did! Even for the days he forgot he had her, she stayed put.. In all honesty he wanted an adventure she thought he was all the adventure she needed. He wanted a woman..wasn't she one in her own right? He wanted the fast and easy but kept her at an arms length..for wh...