In the words of Pharrel Williams, 'money can't buy you happiness but happy can get you money', As i was going through some updates i stumbled on this and it got me more ways than one that it does make sense. We are so busy trying to attain success, love, happiness, picture perfect dreams and movie lives that we forget to actually enjoy our time and create life rather than a living. You see, when we just relax and embrace the feeling of what we are doing and be happy we can achieve so much more than we had bargained for. For the longest time i did not think this statement could be so meaningful, but it covers my six months of 2014. I had just finished a short course i was doing in college last year and thought to myself, why not take a year off school and see what happens, i guess you'd say i was crazy back then :) But i was seeing life pass me by and there all these things am yet to do and experience so i took the challenge. I added a twist an prom...
whatever has to be done its always your choice